Soda Vending Machine

Coke Cooler

Coke Cooler
Coke Cooler
Coke Cooler
Coke Cooler
Coke Cooler
Coke Cooler

Coke Cooler
This is a 1946 Westinghouse WE-6 Coca Cola electric, water cooling soda vending machine that you might find in any gas stations or general stores around the nation back in the day. It still works as it did in 1946, and it's rare to find one in this condition today. There is a small leak in the crevasses of the box, so I stopped using it, but some silicone caulk in the crevasses should stop it. We added a digital thermostat and it works well. Everyone you meet has a story about one of these coolers.

It's sure to be a great conversation piece and an important part of your hospitality. It will hold about three cases of your favorite bottled beverages.

Stay away from paper labels as the water takes them off. Fill the cooler with your sodas first. Add water to the fill line and add a 1/2 cup of Twenty Mule Team Borax to keep the water fresh and plug it in. The water will remain nice and very cold for about two weeks, and then you'll need to change the water out.

Coke Cooler